
Teamviewer hacked paypal
Teamviewer hacked paypal

teamviewer hacked paypal

It added, “Some online media outlets falsely linked the incident with past claims by users that their accounts have been hacked and theories about would-be security breaches at TeamViewer, We have no evidence that these issues are related”. TeamViewer immediately responded to fix the issue to bring all services back up”. The outage was caused by a denial-of-service (DoS) attack aimed at the TeamViewer DNS-Server infrastructure.

teamviewer hacked paypal

“TeamViewer experienced a service outage on June 1. It was not until June 1st that TeamViewer issued an updated statement to address the outage and unauthorized connections. TeamViewer additionally pointed out that : "neither was TeamViewer was hacked nor is there a security hole, TeamViewer is safe to use and has proper security measures in place, our evidence points to careless use as the cause of the reported issue, a few extra steps will prevent potential abuse." However, the company still did not address the recent reports of unauthorized access and merely mirrored the May 23 statement.

teamviewer hacked paypal

However, even users with strong passwords and two-factor authentication complained that their TeamViewer accounts were hit. “TeamViewer is appalled by any criminal activity however, the source of the problem, according to our research, is careless use, not a potential security breach on TeamViewer’s side,” TeamViewer said in a May 23 statement. Given the recent LinkedIn, Tumblr, and MySpace security breaches where millions of email and password combos were hacked due to the re-use of login credentials across various sites and services, TeamViewer claims that it wasn’t hacked directly and that the breach likely stemmed from the reuse of these compromised passwords. TeamViewer initially claimed that there were no problems with their system, but rather the users’ individual credentials. This happened around the time the company suffered possible DNS issues that caused an outage that lasted a couple of hours. According to several users, unauthorized access reports started showing up on Reddit over the last few days that resulted in raided PayPal, eBay, and Amazon accounts via stolen credentials stored in the browser. TeamViewer, the popular remote desktop connection software that allows people to share screens and remote access, was reportedly hacked by unknown third parties.

Teamviewer hacked paypal